Saturday, January 22, 2011

Miley Cyrus Is This Week's Most Valuable Partyer!

Miley Cyrus Is This Week's Most Valuable Partyer!

Party in the USA for real! In case you've been living under a rock, Miley Cyrus was caught on camera getting up close and personal with a bong by TMZ.
In the video taken just days after her 18th birthday, Miley's giggling and laughing hysterically after she takes a hit off the thing. Clearly, she's having herself a good time while supposedly enjoying salvia—a legal, nonaddictive substance. And for that, she takes the Most Valuable Partier title this week.
Congrats, Miley! But who's the recipient of our Party Foul?
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This week, that dubious honor goes to Miley, too.
How come, you ask, since we just her partying props?
Yes, what she's reportedly doing is legal and at least she's doing in at home, instead of say, getting straddled by some dude at Trousdale during her birthday party.
But why in the world would she allow someone to videotape her? When you're famous (or aspiring to be—listen up party girls in training), you should never do anything on camera that you wouldn't be OK with the whole world seeing.
Because inevitably, they will see it. And so will your dad.
Not only are we slapping Miley with a Party Foul for the on-camera aspect, but she also drops her ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth's name multiple times.
"Ohmygod! He looks so much like Liam! He looks just like Liam! I thought that was Liam!" she says repeatedly as she cackles.
As her friend admonishes her, bringing up exes is a "buzzkill."
We agree!
Not to mention the fact that Liam probably watched the video and felt pretty smug that Miley isn't over him.
Next time Miley, lose the cameras and the Liam references, and you'll be all good.

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