Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kim Kardashian's BFF Weighs In on Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian's BFF Weighs In on Kris Humphries

Kim Kardashian bestie Lala Vasquez is married to pro basketballer Carmelo Anthony, so it only makes sense that she'd approve of her BFF dating NBA player Kris Humphries, right?
"All the NBA guys are good guys and my friends," Lala told me at the Hollywood Style Awards last night, "I just want my friend to be happy, whoever it is. I don't care if it's John who I've never heard of...if that makes her happy, I'm happy."
But what does she specifically think of Taylor Lautner lookalike Kris?
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 "I think they're friends and they have a good friendship," the VH1 reality star told me at the Hammer Museum in L.A., adding that Kim is "definitely single".
Hmm, so is she trying to tell us that Kimmy and Kris aren't that serious and that Kim's playing the field? Or is she just trying to protect her pal's privacy?
In any case, it's probably best we don't rush to judgment when it comes to Kim's dating status.
After all, remember what happened to Gabriel Aubry just days after insider sources swore he was her "official boyfriend"?

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